Getting married? These top Detroit engagement session locations are perfect for photos that announce the big day. With the renaissance of the city, Detroit has become a popular spot for an engagement session. With a sprawling city like Detroit, there are so many...
Wedding Planning Tips
4 Reasons Why You Should Invest in a Wedding Album
When you’re planning a wedding, sometimes deciding on a wedding album is one of the furthest things from your mind. The event hasn’t even happened yet so envisioning how you’ll enjoy the memories of it for years to come can seem super duper abstract. But if you know...
How to Choose Wedding Ceremony Music: Wedding Ceremonies Part 4
We all know that music can make or break a mood. Throw on a song that doesn’t pop and the dance floor clears. Put on something you can shake and shimmy to and the floor is packed. But for a wedding ceremony, you’re not necessarily relying on a DJ or band to choose...
How to Write Your Own Vows: Ceremony Series Part 3
“To have and to hold.” “To love and cherish.” “Until death do us part.” We have all heard the age-old wedding vows. But what if these vows don’t fit what you’re wanting to promise to your beloved? Writing your own vows can seem daunting at first, but never fear. Here...
Wedding Ceremonies Part 2: How to Write a Wedding Ceremony
Last post, we discussed the basic structure of a ceremony, but how do you write a wedding ceremony? Where do you begin? The first step is to sit down together with a glass of wine or coffee or bourbon or your drink of choice here, turn your phones to silent and talk...
Wedding Ceremony 101: Ceremony Structure and Basics
So you’re getting married. Yay! You’ve decided to have a wedding ceremony right at your beautiful outdoor venue. But what the heck will you say? What do you do and when do you do it? You need some wedding ceremony 101. In this series, I’ll be taking you through common...