We love a Royal Oak in home newborn session, especially when the baby is as sweet as Mia and the home is as beautiful as this one!
I was so lucky to also photograph Lindsey and Chris’s maternity session back in the summer right as my maternity leave was wrapping up. It was my first session back. Mia was my second to last newborn of 2023 and she did fantastic at her Royal Oak in home newborn session! Just cute as a button wrapped up in pink.
The best part of this session was a surprise to me – Lindsey and Chris had been gifted a balloon basket that looked like a hot air balloon. We obviously had to use it – it was too cute! I always bring along a few baskets and tons of wraps to choose from but this was a special treat that I was so happy to incorporate.
I am booking 2024 newborn sessions now and would love to meet your sweet babies! More information here!